Lichtklänge–Schattenklänge - Sounds of Light and Shade
Panel Painting and Paperwork, primarily on the topic of the sun. Music: Dr. Michael Schenk, Potsdam

Turbulenz und Stille - Turbulence und Silence
Paintings and Paperwork

Geld-Dämonen-Schilde - Money-Demons-Shields
Large-sized Paperwork, Collages on bamboo rods and tissue paper. Music by Hans Hütten, Cottbus. Poems by Ingeborg Arlt, Brandenburg
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ZeitenZeichen - Time Signals
Roller Plinds, Paperwork and Artist’s Books. Music performances “Atemzeiten” (Breathing Times) by
Dr. Michael Schenk, Potsdam

ZeitFragmente - Fragments of Time
Paintings and Paperwork with regard to the history of civilisation (Mediterranean, non-European influences)
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Götter, Geister, Talismane - Gods, Ghosts, Talismans
Panel Paintings, Assemblages, Coloured Monotypes and Collages. The group of Talismans is paperwork–adaptations of Ethiopian magic scrolls
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Nihon no E Bilder aus Japan - Nihon no E Paintings from Japan
Folding Blinds, Panel Paintings and Paperwork according to the music of the same name by Bert Handrick, Dresden. Poems in the manner of Japanese Waka by Ingeborg Arlt, Brandenburg
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Gaunerzinken - Rogues’ Secret Signs
Collages and Assemblages on historic und present day “Secret Signs” of Travelling Folk. Music by Dr. Michael Schenk, Potsdam. Poems by Klaus-Dieter Brunotte, Hannover. Music and Poems staged as a radio play
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Die Leiden des jungen Werther - The Sorrows of Young Werther
Assemblages und Collages (20 loose leaves which originated in cooperation with the Municipal Wetzlar/Lahn City Collection according to J. W. Goethe’s oeuvre of the same title)

Sonnenzauber - The Magic of the Sun
Paintings and loose leaves on the subject matter of the sun not only refer to mythology but also to scientific insight but the anthropomorphic moment also plays a central role. Panel Paintings, Assemblages, Coloured Monotypes, Collages and an Artist’s Book

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Magie Marcel Marceau - The Magic of Marcel Marceau
Panel paintings, Assemblages, Collages, Coloured Monotypes an a Artist's Book

Bewegtes Terrain - Choppy terrain
Hommage to Hermann Fürst von Pückler-Muskau

Paintings and paperworks to the subject of Gold

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