signalling effect of the colour red as correspondence and power
opens the book. Slipcase and cover design express this entrée.
The first and last pages are full of dynamics. In a succinct form,
the collages refer to the respective lines. Space-filling collages
are placed next to large, vignettes similar, solitary collages.
Numbers are ornamentalised by the given sequence. Accents amount
to the grotesque. Decorativeness, details, symbolism and reference
to reality create new metaphors.
Arlt, represented in Vadim Zelenkov's international collection
with this transcription of the 66th sonnet, arrays the semantics
of literary form: the enumeration that surges from longing for
death to furious rage, drawing its force from the "and"
at the beginning of each line to culminate in the rhyming couplet
arranged by Shakespeare. She does not translate metaphors, but
transfers their meaning. Shakespeare's anger converts into our
anger, Shakespeare's contempt becomes our contempt. Only the language
is new, not what it says. It is Shakespeare who speaks about a
world that has not changed since. And who, for the sake of love,
does not resign.