Prize in the competition „Blau und Grün“ (Blue
and Green) of the German insurance company Iduna Nova
appreciative scholarship of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
scholarship of the Käthe-Dorsch-Foundation
Fields of work:
art in architectural contexts (mural, mosaic, relief, ceramics,
glass ware and glass windows), painting, graphic work, objects
(objets d’art), artist´s book
collections in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Slovakia own
works by Sigrid Noack. In the last couple of years Sigrid Noack
had many single exhibitions in Germany and participated in several
exhibitions in Germany and abroad. Her works of art in public
space are situated especially in the southeast of Brandenburg.
Graphic works by Sigrid Noack are representing the state of Brandenburg
at the German Embassy to the UN in New York City.
information about the works by Sigrid Noack you will find in the
internet: www.zeitfragmente.de |